Home Section Overview

Welcome to the Home section of our platform. This is your central hub for all essential updates and information from across the entire site.

The Home section serves as a one-stop shop for the latest updates from all other sections. The most recent and relevant materials are prominently displayed on the far left of their respective carousels. This ensures you always see the most important information first.

Student System Home Article (Temp)

Key Features:

Latest Updates: The most current updates from all sections are displayed prominently.

Certification Checklist: Unique to students, this area helps you track your certification progress.

Your Skills: A section dedicated to highlighting and managing your skills development.

Linked Sections:

Announcements: Stay informed with the latest announcements relevant to all students within the NAFTrack student system.

Activities: Access surveys and reflection forms related to your Work-Based Learning (WBL) activities. Each item includes a due date and relevant details.

Connections: Document and manage your professional relationships formed during WBL activities and internships. This section acts as a digital rolodex.

Tools & Resources: Explore a variety of resources such as resume-building tools, networking guides, and general FAQ information.

The Home section is designed to keep you informed and on track with the latest updates and your personal progress. Make it a habit to check in regularly for new information and updates.