Student Curriculum


NAF’s Finance curricular offerings, including courses and authentic-learning projects, align with competencies identified by industry partners, professional organizations, and postsecondary institutions as essential for success in college and career.

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My classroom culture closely resembles the realities of a career in the finance field.  It is not limited to the physical walls of the assigned classroom rather, students have access and exposure to business professionals, real-world activities and experiences that prepare them for college and their chosen career paths.

Bill McBride
Academy Director
Turner Technical Academy of Finance

Early exposure to accounting courses and CPA career offerings increases the likelihood that students decide to enter the accounting profession. This program is a way to increase diversity by drawing from the widest pool of talented students.

Kim Drumgo
Director of Diversity and Inclusion

The Academy of Finance gave me life skills that I was not aware I would ever need. I have learned the proper art of networking—and I call it an art because it amazes me how many people don’t understand how the simple act of networking can change your life.

Dakota Reynolds
Hamburg High School