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What kinds of WBL activities are eligible?
Career Awareness and Career Exploration activities are eligible. Career Preparation activities (internships, clinical experiences, pre-apprenticeships, mentored industry projects) are not included since they are longer-term, more in-depth experiences and are tracked in NAFTrack (rather than the WBL Participation Tracker).
What if our WBL activity included both career awareness and exploration elements? (for example, a Career Day with guest speakers, mock interviews, and skills workshops) That activity counts! On the submission form, you are able to select Career Awareness, Career Exploration, or check off both options.
Why aren’t multi-school or district-level events eligible for this award?
The goal is for this to be an activity that could be implemented at one school (either one academy or multiple academies within one school) so that it can be replicated anywhere. We recognize there are a lot of great multi-school and district-level events but we wanted to create a more level playing field for all NAF academies submitting activities for the award.
I’m new to the Tracker. How do I enter an activity?
Sign in to ASH and go to the Add Activity page of the WBL Participation Tracker to enter the activity. For more information and step-by-step guides, visit the WBL Tracking Tools resource collection.
What if we don’t use the WBL Tracker?
You can enter this one activity in the Tracker and assign students to the activity, even if you track the rest of the activities in a different system.
Is having students complete the WBL Reflection Form required?
While it’s not required, we highly encourage having your students complete the form and that you share that data as part of your submission form for the WBL Impact Award. Part of the criteria for judging is on showing the impact of your activity and the WBL Reflection Form is a great way to do that. Visit the WBL Tracking Tools resource collection to view multiple resources , including how to help students complete the WBL Reflection Form.
What if more than one person planned this event? Can we share the prizes?
If two people collaborated, we can issue $125 Visa gift cards to each person or if it was a group, you could collectively use the $250 gift card funds to have a fun meal or other option. Up to $2,000 is budgeted for the trip to NAF Next and we can work with you on how these funds can cover different elements of the trip if there are multiple people.
How does the trip to NAF Next work?
You will get a link to book your travel through the AmTrav system we use at NAF and NAF will be billed. Your hotel room will be part of the block of rooms NAF pays for. You will receive an Emburse card with funds to cover food plus other transportation (to/from airport, etc.). Note that this isn’t a gift card so you won’t be able to use it for the Disney World entry fee or to buy clothes; it is a credit card to cover expenses.
How many hotel nights is NAF covering?
NAF will cover the cost of 3 nights (July 8th, 9th, and 10th).
We usually use a voucher to cover half the cost of a hotel room. What happens with the voucher?
NAF will cover the full cost of the room for the winner and the voucher can then be used by someone else in your district.
What if I already booked my travel to NAF Next and then I find out in mid-May that I won?
We will work with you in this scenario and make sure you get to enjoy your all-expenses paid trip!
Am I taxed on the gift card or the NAF Next trip?
The gift card amounts are below the $600 IRS threshold for non-employment income. If you are participating in other NAF paid opportunities (for example, a pilot), you can check in with our Finance team to ensure you will not exceed the limit. The NAF Next trip is not taxed since the expenses are being paid directly by NAF rather than you being issued a check for the funds.