WBL Impact Award

NAF is creating a new award to recognize educators, WBL coordinators, and academy leads for excellence in implementing a WBL activity aligned with the Outcomes-Driven WBL approach. In May 2024, a panel of judges will review the 6 finalists (3 fall, 3 from spring) and select the winner of the WBL Impact Award.

Note: The submission deadline has passed and winners, finalists, and honorable mentions have been selected. The links below are for information only.


  • A WBL activity implemented during the 2023-24 school year

  • Held at one academy or multiple academies within one school (not multi-school or district)

  • Entered in the WBL Participation Tracker, with students attached to the activity


  • $250 gift cards for each finalist (3 fall, 3 spring)

  • Overall winner will also receive an all-expenses paid trip to NAF Next in Kissimmee, FL July 9-11, 2024