Year of Planning Program

Month 1: Team Building and Leadership

How can the district ensure the Academy Design Team (ADT) is fully aligned and prepared to begin the Year of Planning (YOP) process successfully?

Strategic Actions:

  • 1. Host a YOP preparation meeting to establish a shared vision and ensure team alignment before the official YOP kickoff.

  • 2. Recruit the ADT and begin assigning roles and responsibilities.

  • 3. Identify the missing ADT roles to inform recruitment efforts.

  • 4. Schedule a date for the YOP kick-off with your portfolio manager.

  • 5. Complete the online YOP Snapshot in the Academy Support Hub (ASH).

  • 6. Use the YOP Snapshot results to create an Action Plan that supports academy design plan development.

  • 7. Ensure the ADT creates NAF accounts to access tools and resources.

  • 8. Establish common planning time for the ADT (more than three members) to prioritize and plan academy activities.

  • 9. Designate a person or sub-committee to monitor goals and document academy design plan progress.

  • 10. Secure funding for academy staff, conference costs, and membership fees.

Use the guiding questions to structure meeting agendas and facilitate a discussion aimed at developing the academy framework.

Guiding Questions:

  • 1. What are the academy’s vision and mission statements?

  • 2. Who is the Academy Lead with release time to manage the academy?

  • 3. Which ADT roles are missing, and how can we effectively fill the gaps?

  • 4. What factors should we consider when scheduling the YOP kickoff meeting?

  • 5. What team members are essential to completing the YOP Snapshot to accurately reflect the current academy design plan status?

  • 6. How can the team leverage YOP Snapshot results to create goals and action steps?

  • 7. What steps should be taken to ensure the ADT successfully creates NAF accounts and accesses tools and resources?

  • 8. How often will the ADT meet for formal collaboration (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly)?

  • 9. Who will monitor goals and progress to update the Action Plan?

  • 10. What are the academy funding sources, and will core ADT members attend NAF Next?